Welcome To Your FREE CNIM and D.ABNM Review!
First off – Thank you for taking a look at my prep course. I hope you find it valuable in not only passing your exams but also providing great patient care.
I’d like to ask a favor – please share this page on social media (LinkedIn seems to be the best, then Facebook). The intent of the website is to share knowledge and spark conversation. Thank you for helping me meet that goal.
Second – Please make sure you complete all 8 videos. The stats I am seeing shows a large drop off once people get past the first 3 videos. The videos are split up by different topics, so it’s all going to be on the CNIM and D.ABNM exam. I no longer hold an updated D.ABNM as I let it lapse. The videos were shot years ago and I can’t remove it from that screen.
Third – there a truism that goes something like this: “You only pay attention to what you pay for…”
I’ve decided to keep these videos free… for the time being. If I am seeing poor utilization, then I’ll switch it over to a paid service and see if that improves consumption rates. That means 3 things for you:
- If you don’t want to pay anything, watch these videos ASAP. If I make the switch to a paid version, then I’ll keep it that way for everyone.
- If you don’t watch the videos, there’s a chance it won’t be free for the next person. How’s that for peer pressure?
- If you’d like to hit the donate button (look on the right column), not only will you help me cover my expenses for running the website, but you’ll be improving your own motivation to watch the videos, take notes, and pass the test. Pretty small price to pay if you ask me.
Here’s your prep course: