by Joe Hartman | Apr 28, 2013 | Neuromonitoring Training
A Request From A Reader… Create a Presentation For Neuromonitoring Carotid Endarterectomy Procedures I had an email from a colleague looking for some info for neuromonitoring carotid endarterectomy procedures. I decided to go ahead and make a slideshow...
by Joe Hartman | Apr 16, 2013 | Neuromonitoring Training
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Used To Predict The Need For Duraplasty In Chiari Malformation Type I Decompression Have you ever had the following conversation with a surgeon after decompression is complete? Surgeon: How do things looks (refering to SSEP and/or...
by Joe Hartman | Apr 5, 2013 | Neuromonitoring Study Guides, Neuromonitoring Training
Tips On How To Prepare For The DABNM Oral Exam Continuing on from my first post about reasons why you didn’t pass the DABNM oral boards, I’d like to cover something that you’ll hear from most people that took the DABNM oral exam… They...
by Joe Hartman | Mar 27, 2013 | Neuromonitoring Study Guides, Neuromonitoring Training
How To Pass The DABNM Oral Examination Let’s not kid ourselves here… the DABNM oral examination is one tough exam. I’ve taken clinical boards, national boards, Florida state boards and the boards for the diplomate in Chiropractic neurology (DACNB)....
by Joe Hartman | Mar 16, 2013 | Neuromonitoring Training
SSEP P14 Potential: One Of The Unknown Obligates Do you use a P14 potential for SSEP in the upper extremity? I didn’t think so (don’t worry, I usually don’t either). But if you took a CNIM or DABNM exam, you’d think it would be a part of...
by Joe Hartman | Mar 7, 2013 | Neuromonitoring Training
The Popliteal Fossa Response I got an email the other day for someone looking for some help with obtaining a popliteal fossa potential… Joe, Thanks again for the help! Had a question… with the Pop Fossa, what montage do you use for it? I’ve never...